About the Journal

FemCrítica is an academic publication focused on literary studies and feminist criticism. Directed by Spanish university professors with a great academic trajectory, the editor-in-chief is Fernando Candón Ríos and the associate editors are Leticia de la Paz de Dios, Claudia Martori and Nuria Torres López. The editorial team consists of experts in the field of literature and gender, who work together to ensure the quality of the published articles.

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Eros y Tánatos en la literatura contemporánea de autoría femenina hispana
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The FemCrítica journal is closely linked to the Pandora Association of Feminist Literary Studies and Contemporary Thought, an entity that has become a reference in the study of literature from a feminist and gender perspective. Since its foundation, Pandora has promoted research, teaching, and dissemination in this field, fostering dialogue and critical reflection on literature and its relationship with society and culture.

FemCrítica is a fundamental tool in achieving these objectives, as it provides a space for dissemination and debate for scholars of literature working from a critical and feminist perspective. As a specialized publication, the journal focuses on the publication of original articles that address relevant topics in the field of feminist literary studies, offering its readers a wide selection of research articles, critical essays, and book reviews that explore the various facets of this field.

The FemCrítica journal and the Pandora Association share a common commitment to promoting feminist literary studies, and are proud to collaborate in creating a space for meeting and critical reflection for the academic community.